Done for You: Constipation Gut Resources
Your 'plug & play' constipation guidebooks & handouts
Let's be honest - there isn't enough time
Imagine getting your charting done in the visit - not during your evenings & weekends?
Imagine having beautifully tailored guidebooks, handouts & documents to provide patients with all the research & planning done for you?
Imagine knowing you have a plan for multiple visits with a patient, guiding them through a journey with everything you need at your fingertips?
Practice can be simple with the right tools at hand
Templates to add to your system for immediate use - over and over again, saving you retyping information
Guidebooks to move your patients through their gut conditions - saving you the effort of making them yourself and also minimizing most of the questions coming to your office. It’s all in the guide!
Bonus resources to compliment the larger guides, adding value to your visits & allowing you to individualize for your patients needs as they present
Up-to-date resources with the best practice information letting you remain the authority in the eyes of your patients
Dr Kim Bretz is a naturopathic doctor with a passion for the gut - and making things simple.
After over a decade of working in the gut & microbiota, she’s been able to make her systems work. Using research based evidence along with years of building & refining a library of resources, she’s put them together into a package for you to use.
Her experience in the area is broad:
20 years of clinical practice
Industry speaking & consulting with companies including Designs for Health, Cytomatrix, Thorne, Rocky Mountain Analytical, Ferring Pharmaceutical, & New Roots Herbal, throughout Canada, the US, the UK & Australia
Teaching - University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy & The College of Massage & Hydrotherapy
Corporate speaking & radio with companies including OTIP and CHUM
Research - clinical lead with the Spagnuolo Lab at the University of Guelph
But her goal is wider - helping practitioners help their patients. Making it simple so you can focus on having a life as well as being a great practitioner!
2 constipation guidebooks - one for adults & one for children. Fiber resources (3) - psyllium, IBS & fiber and how to track fiber levels. Special population information (2) for patients with iron deficiency related constipation & suspected endometriosis. And additional resources (2) - how to do the blue muffin challenge & a constipation food list.
You can use the resources with your own patients - but it’s a single practitioner purchase. You download the resources and can start using them immediately! You can add your own logo to the bottom of the pages to highlight yourself, if desired - otherwise they are neutral resources.
Just reach out and we’ll get pricing to you for your unique situation! We know you'll appreciate the time & effort it took to put this together - and how useful it can be to have consistency in your clinic.