What if it could be easier?

Let's be honest - there isn't enough time

  • Imagine getting your charting done in the visit - not during your evenings & weekends?

  • Imagine having beautifully tailored guidebooks, handouts & documents to provide patients with all the research & planning done for you?

  • Imagine knowing you have a plan for multiple visits with a patient, guiding them through a journey with everything you need at your fingertips?

What if it was all just done for you?

Practice can be simple with the right tools at hand

  • EMR templates to add to your system for immediate use - over and over again, saving you retyping information

  • Guidebooks to move your patients through their gut conditions - saving you the effort of making them yourself and also minimizing most of the questions coming to your office. It’s all in the guide!

  • Bonus resources to compliment the larger guides, adding value to your visits & allowing you to individualize for your patients needs as they present

  • Up-to-date resources with the best practice information letting you remain the authority in the eyes of your patients

About Kim

  • Dr Kim Bretz is a naturopathic doctor with a passion for the gut - and making things simple.

  • After over a decade of working in the gut & microbiota, she’s been able to make her systems work. Using research based evidence along with years of building & refining a library of resources, she’s put them together into a package for you to use.

  • Her experience in the area is broad:

  • 20 years of clinical practice

  • Industry speaking & consulting with companies including Designs for Health, Cytomatrix, Thorne, Rocky Mountain Analytical, Ferring Pharmaceutical, & New Roots Herbal, throughout Canada, the US, the UK & Australia

  • Teaching - University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy & The College of Massage & Hydrotherapy

  • Corporate speaking & radio with companies including OTIP and CHUM

  • Research - clinical lead with the Spagnuolo Lab at the University of Guelph

  • Regulation

  • But her goal is wider - helping practitioners help their patients. Making it simple so you can focus on having a life as well as being a great practitioner!


  • What am I getting?

    Low FODMAP Guidebook (30 pages), Low FODMAP Mini Guidebook (when you don't need the full version), Re-introduction Guidebooks (longer & shorter version with vegan options of each), Handling Flavour Handout, Vegan Low FODMAP Handout & EMR Template Guide for moving through your first couple visits with IBS patients, including evidence based information regarding testing and consent documentation

  • How can I use the resources?

    You can use the resources with your own patients - but it’s a single practitioner purchase. You download the resources and can start using them immediately! You can add your own logo to the bottom of the pages to highlight yourself, if desired - otherwise they are neutral resources.

  • What if I’m a clinic and want to use this for all my practitioners?

    Just reach out and we’ll get pricing to you for your unique situation! We know you'll appreciate the time & effort it took to put this together - and how useful it can be to have consistency in your clinic.